As many other automaker are rushing towards making electric sedan and SUVs, Mercedes-Benz has it’s sight set on something different. The company is aim to look towards electric trucks!
Mercedes’s parent company is one of the biggest truck manufactures and has control over nor just the Mercedes brand but the Freightliner, Western Star, Fuso, and the all new GenH2 Truck Concept.
The GenH2 Truck is a hydrogen-electric semi-trailer truck. It uses hydrogen to create electricity via a fuel-cell stack, and then powers an electric drive system. With a full tank of hydrogen, the truck is able to cover a distance of more than 620 miles. It’s easily comparable to a diesel truck. One plus point is of these type of truck is that their refueling time is quite low, however the plus point also serves as a drawback because in some part hydrogen isn’t found for sale quite easily.
Regardless of the lack of hydrogen availability, the GenH2 isn’t just for show. Consumer trials for the truck are expected to start in 2023 and it promises a full commercial release in 2025.
Image Source – https://www.google.com/search?q=GenH2&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiT5-7S_JzsAhXDuHEKHcUCC3IQ_AUoAnoECAsQBA&biw=488&bih=529#imgrc=GX1zqeHsOeiz0M&imgdii=o3tIL4VX8M-fzM